I'm trying to set a fixed size to a QPushButton by setting it on stylesheet, but when adding a padding-left to the button, it's being resized to fixed-width + padding-left. I want it to keep the fixed size that i set to the button. And i want to avoid calling SetFixedWidth and SetFixedSize methods because i want it to be loaded of a external stylesheet file. I Already try to set sizePolicy to fixed but ii keeps the same behavior.

Here are my definitions:

button->setStyleSheet("QPushButton {"
" text-align:left;"
" margin: 0px;"
" padding-left: 32px;"
" border: none;"
" min-height: 48px;"
" max-height: 48px;"
" min-width: 248px;"
" max-width: 248px;"
" background-color: #4000FF99;"