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Thread: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

  1. #1
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    Question How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    This video is the effect I want,I referenced that oscilloscope code,but I did not use that QwtPlotDirectPainter class,because I can't achieve the effect I want?there are 12 curves refreshed at the same time,but high CPU usage,average over 90% on my pi 3b.

    This is my code compression

    I use below method to update the graph in real time.
    Qt Code:
    1. //class MPlotWaveCurve inherit from QwtPlotCurve
    2. void MPlotWaveCurve::drawCurve(QPainter * painter, int style,
    3. const QwtScaleMap & xMap, const QwtScaleMap & yMap,
    4. const QRectF & canvasRect, int from, int to) const
    5. {
    6. switch (style)
    7. {
    8. case Lines:
    9. if (testCurveAttribute(Fitted))
    10. {
    11. // we always need the complete
    12. // curve for fitting
    13. from = 0;
    14. to = dataSize() - 1;
    15. }
    16. /*
    17. below 10 lines code achieved my effect,
    18. variable m_iEaserCount represents the erased width,
    19. variable m_iCurrentPoint represents the latest data index
    20. */
    21. if ((from < m_iCurrentPoint) && (m_iCurrentPoint < to - m_iEaserCount))
    22. {
    23. drawLines(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from, m_iCurrentPoint);
    24. drawLines(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, m_iCurrentPoint + m_iEaserCount, to);
    25. }
    26. else
    27. {
    28. drawLines(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from, m_iCurrentPoint);
    29. }
    30. break;
    31. case Sticks:
    32. drawSticks(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from, to);
    33. break;
    34. case Steps:
    35. drawSteps(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from, to);
    36. break;
    37. case Dots:
    38. drawDots(painter, xMap, yMap, canvasRect, from, to);
    39. break;
    40. case NoCurve:
    41. default:
    42. break;
    43. }
    44. }
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    Calculate the current refreshed area first, then draw the points that need to be drawn currently.The data container size is 1000.
    Qt Code:
    1. void Plot::updateCurve(int index)
    2. {
    3. CurveData *curveData = static_cast<CurveData *>( d_curve[index]->data() );
    4. curveData->lock();
    6. int iCurrentPoint = curveData->getCurrentPointIndex();//Get the index number of the latest data in the container, starting from 0
    7. int iMaxPointCount = curveData->getMaxPointCount();//Get the capacity of a container
    8. int size = curveData->size();//Get the current size of the container
    9. if(iCurrentPoint == m_iLastPaintedPoint)
    10. {
    11. curveData->unlock();
    12. return;
    13. }
    14. QRect canvasRect = canvas()->contentsRect();
    16. QRegion region;//Save the area to be redrawn
    17. const QwtScaleMap xMap = canvasMap( d_curve[index]->xAxis() );
    18. const QwtScaleMap yMap = canvasMap( d_curve[index]->yAxis() );
    20. //Get the last starting X coordinate
    21. int calc_start = (m_iLastPaintedPoint > 0)?m_iLastPaintedPoint -1:m_iLastPaintedPoint;
    22. double start_x = xMap.transform( d_curve[index]->sample(calc_start).x() );
    24. if ( iCurrentPoint > m_iLastPaintedPoint )//The data does not appear to flip, new data is added from the back
    25. {
    26. /*
    27.   Depending on the platform setting a clip might be an important
    28.   performance issue. F.e. for Qt Embedded this reduces the
    29.   part of the backing store that has to be copied out - maybe
    30.   to an unaccelerated frame buffer device.
    31.   */
    32. QRect br;
    33. if(size < iMaxPointCount)//The initial container is not full
    34. {
    35. double stop_x = xMap.transform( d_curve[index]->sample(iCurrentPoint).x());
    36. br = QRect( start_x,, stop_x - start_x, canvasRect.height());
    37. }
    38. else//After the container is full
    39. {
    40. if(iCurrentPoint + d_iEaserCount <= iMaxPointCount - 1)//If the erased point does not exceed the boundary
    41. {
    42. double stop_x = xMap.transform( d_curve[index]->sample(iCurrentPoint + d_iEaserCount).x());
    43. br = QRect( start_x,, stop_x - start_x, canvasRect.height());
    44. }
    45. else//If the boundary is exceeded, only the remaining part is erased
    46. {
    47. br = QRect( start_x,, canvasRect.right() - start_x, canvasRect.height());
    48. }
    49. }
    50. region += br;
    51. }
    52. else //Data flipped
    53. {
    54. //Tail
    55. double stop_x = xMap.transform( d_curve[index]->sample(iCurrentPoint + d_iEaserCount).x());
    56. double stop2_x = xMap.transform( d_curve[index]->sample(iMaxPointCount - 1).x());
    57. QRect r1( start_x ,, stop2_x - start_x , canvasRect.height());
    58. region += r1;
    59. //Head
    60. double start2_x = xMap.transform( d_curve[index]->sample(0).x());
    61. QRect r2( start2_x,, stop_x - start2_x, canvasRect.height());
    62. region += r2;
    63. }
    64. //Set the latest data index of 12 curves
    65. for(int i = 0;i < 12;i++)
    66. {
    67. d_curve[i]->SetCurrentPoint(iCurrentPoint);
    68. }
    70. m_iLastPaintedPoint = iCurrentPoint;
    71. curveData->unlock();
    72. //Partial refresh,replot 12 curves
    73. canvas()->update(region);
    74. }
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    In order to achieve the effect I want, how to reduce CPU consumption ?

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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    QWidget does not offer to "erase" something - all you can do is to redraw from scratch. This is why QwtPlotDirectPainter is useful - it at least allows to draw on top of something existing.


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    Question Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    Quote Originally Posted by Uwe View Post
    QWidget does not offer to "erase" something - all you can do is to redraw from scratch. This is why QwtPlotDirectPainter is useful - it at least allows to draw on top of something existing.

    Another way to achieve the effect I want,and in this way, the CPU usage is also very small,but need to write a lot of code,use the most primitive QPainter , not as concise as the qwt.The code snippet is as follows:
    Qt Code:
    1. void Mywidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
    2. {
    3. QPainter painter(this);
    4. painter.drawPixmap(0,0,m_gridPixmap);//paint grid backgroup pixmap
    5. painter.drawPixmap(0,0,m_curvePixmap);//paint curve pixmap on the top, and set QPainter::CompositionMode_Source mode when paint m_curvePixmap
    6. painter.end();
    7. }
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    Qt Code:
    1. void Mywidget::updateCurvePixmap()
    2. {
    3. QPainter painter;
    4. painter.begin(&m_curvePixmap);
    5. painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source);
    7. //Calculate the current 12 refreshed area first,and fill transparent
    8. for(int i = 0; i < 12;i++)
    9. {
    10. QRect rect;//The calculation process is omitted here!!!
    11. painter.fillRect(rect,Qt::transparent);
    13. //Plot newly added data points
    14. QPolygonF points;//The process of filling points is omitted!!!
    15. painter.drawPoints(points);
    16. }
    17. painter.end();
    19. //At this point, the new data point is successfully partial updated on the m_curvePixmap,Partial refresh widget
    20. QRegion region;//save all need updated area
    21. for(int i = 0; i < 12;i++)
    22. {
    23. QRect rect;//The calculation process is omitted here!!!
    24. region += rect;
    25. }
    26. update(region );
    27. }
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    Refer to this example:,
    Used this class method:QPainter::setCompositionMode.

    In order to achieve the effect I want, is this the only way?
    Last edited by lockdown; 10th May 2020 at 16:19.

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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    Guess what you mean by this code snippet is that you draw each curve to its own pixmap first and the plot is done finally by drawing the pixmaps.
    Then you would have only one drawPolyline call, when only one curve has changed.
    Of course the code as being posted is not even close to what needs to be done in reality - but the idea is understood.

    So your code will have a positive effect, when having several curves, that are updated on different intervals - but it won't help for a situation with one curve and many points.


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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    Quote Originally Posted by Uwe View Post
    Guess what you mean by this code snippet is that you draw each curve to its own pixmap first and the plot is done finally by drawing the pixmaps.
    Then you would have only one drawPolyline call, when only one curve has changed.
    Of course the code as being posted is not even close to what needs to be done in reality - but the idea is understood.

    So your code will have a positive effect, when having several curves, that are updated on different intervals - but it won't help for a situation with one curve and many points.

    All curves plot in the only m_curvePixmap,I update the code snippet in the previous reply. All curves partial update at the same time ,update every 30ms.

    The original code looks too complicated,I just want to try to modify it as simple as the qwt.

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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    Quote Originally Posted by lockdown View Post
    All curves plot in the only m_curvePixmap,....
    Then your code does not make any sense.


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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    Quote Originally Posted by Uwe View Post
    Then your code does not make any sense.

    I have renewed.Thanks for the quick reply!

    What I don’t understand is why these my two methods are so different, why the CPU consumption is so different? Looks like they are doing the same partial refresh.

    Maybe as you said:QWidget does not offer to "erase" something - all you can do is to redraw from scratch.

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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    Quote Originally Posted by lockdown View Post
    What I don’t understand is why these my two methods are so different, why the CPU consumption is so different?
    Hard to say what your code is doing as the code snippet does not show the real code.

    But the plot canvas is actually using a backing store ( a QPixmap ), that gets updated on certain operations like when the size of the canvas is changing or replot has been called.
    Beside that the content of the widget is always restored from this backing store only.

    So when calling QWidget::update( region ) only all what happens is, that the rectangles from region will be copied from the backing store of the canvas to another backing store - the default one every widgets has.


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    Default Re: How to plot the real time data in qwtplot while erasing fixed-width old data?

    @lockdown Have you found a way to achieve this? because I am running in circles about the same issue and that would be really great help.

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