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Thread: Issue deleting and replacing 3Dscatter and 3DSurface plots in Qt

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    Default Issue deleting and replacing 3Dscatter and 3DSurface plots in Qt

    Hi everybody,
    I'm working with QtDataVisualization in C++ and I've been stuck for half a year with the following problem : when I try to replace a Q3DScatter graph A by a Q3DScatter graph B, the deletion of graph A makes graph B unreadable if B is built before A is destroyed.

    I'm trying to figure out at which point graph A and graph B interact with each other while they are not supposed to. I have a sample code here that is close to a MWE. I have let the function "build" in, but what it does is just initializing the graph and storing its address in a pointer, m3DGraph.

    If PROBLEM is set to false, deletion step and creation of the next data are exchanged, and the issue does not happen, but it's not what I'm looking for since I want to update my display once the data is computed, and to be able to change the type of graph in the m3DImageHolder.

    I think it's worth mentionning that I've done the test with a Q3DSurface graph and there is a similar issue : with Q3DScatter, the graph doesn't display, with Q3DSurface, the grid disappears.

    Here is a bit of code below, and I let a link to my StackOverflow question in case anyone gives an answer months after I stopped working on this.

    Here is the header:
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QDialog>
    2. #include <QtWidgets/QLabel>
    3. #include <QtWidgets/QVBoxLayout>
    4. #include <QtDataVisualization/Q3DScatter>
    5. #include <QtDataVisualization/Q3DSurface>
    7. namespace QtD = QtDataVisualization;
    9. class ViewerTest : public QDialog{
    10. private:
    11. QPushButton *mHide,*mNewScat,*mNewSurf;
    13. QVBoxLayout *m3DLayoutHolder;
    14. QHBoxLayout *mButtonsLayout;
    15. QVBoxLayout *mMainLayout;
    17. QWidget *m3DImageHolder;
    19. QtD::Q3DScatter *m3DGraph;
    20. QtD::Q3DSurface *m3DGraphSurface;
    21. public:
    24. ViewerTest();
    25. void buildScatter(){manageGraphs(TYPE::SCATTER);};
    26. void buildSurface(){manageGraphs(TYPE::SURF);};
    27. void hideAll(){manageGraphs();};
    28. void build(TYPE type);
    29. void manageGraphs(TYPE type=HIDE_BOTH); //Shows or hide graphs
    30. };
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Here is the .cpp
    Qt Code:
    1. #include "test3DvisuData.h"
    3. #include <QPushButton>
    4. #include <iostream>
    5. #include <QtDataVisualization/qcustom3dlabel.h>
    6. #include <QtDataVisualization/q3dscatter.h>
    7. #include <QtDataVisualization/q3dsurface.h>
    8. #include <QtDataVisualization/QCustom3DVolume>
    9. #include <QtDataVisualization/Q3DInputHandler>
    10. #include <QtDataVisualization/QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy>
    11. #include <QApplication>
    13. #define PROBLEM true
    14. /// Short class for debugging objects creation
    15. template<typename T> class GraphTest: public T{
    16. const int mLabel;
    17. static int label;
    18. std::string name;
    19. public:
    20. GraphTest(const std::string & in):T(),mLabel(label++),name(in){
    21. std::cout<<" ctor "<< name <<mLabel<< std::endl;
    22. };
    23. ~GraphTest(){
    24. std::cout<<" ~dtor "<< name << mLabel<<std::endl;
    25. };
    26. };
    28. template <typename T>int GraphTest<T>::label = 0;
    31. ViewerTest::ViewerTest():m3DImageHolder(nullptr),m3DGraph(nullptr),m3DGraphSurface(nullptr){
    32. mHide = new QPushButton("hide",this);
    33. mNewScat = new QPushButton("scat",this);
    34. mNewSurf = new QPushButton("surf",this);
    36. m3DLayoutHolder = new QVBoxLayout();
    37. mButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
    38. mMainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
    39. setLayout(mMainLayout);
    40. mMainLayout->addLayout(mButtonsLayout);
    41. mMainLayout->addLayout(m3DLayoutHolder);
    43. mButtonsLayout->addWidget(mHide);
    44. mButtonsLayout->addWidget(mNewScat);
    45. mButtonsLayout->addWidget(mNewSurf);
    47. connect(mNewSurf,&QPushButton::released,this,&ViewerTest::buildSurface);
    48. connect(mNewScat,&QPushButton::released,this,&ViewerTest::buildScatter);
    49. connect(mHide,&QPushButton::released,this,&ViewerTest::hideAll);
    51. }
    53. ///This part is just the data construction
    55. void ViewerTest::build(TYPE type) {
    56. if(type==SCATTER) {
    57. m3DGraph = new /*QtD::Q3DScatter();*/GraphTest<QtD::Q3DScatter>("inData3D");
    58. m3DGraph->scene()->activeCamera()->setCameraPreset( QtD::Q3DCamera::CameraPresetIsometricRight );
    59. m3DGraph->setOrthoProjection(true);
    60. QtD::QCustom3DVolume *vol = new QtD::QCustom3DVolume;
    61. vol->setScaling(
    62. QVector3D(m3DGraph->axisX()->max() - m3DGraph->axisX()->min(),
    63. (m3DGraph->axisY()->max() - m3DGraph->axisY()->min()) * 1.0f,
    64. m3DGraph->axisZ()->max() - m3DGraph->axisZ()->min()));
    65. vol->setScalingAbsolute(false);
    67. // Build the data
    68. unsigned int height(20),width(20),depth(20);
    69. QVector<uchar> *vectorData = new QVector<uchar>(height * width * depth * 4, 0);
    70. vol->setTextureWidth(width);vol->setTextureHeight(height);vol->setTextureDepth(depth);
    72. vol->setTextureFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    73. for (int z = 0; z < height; z++) {
    74. for (int y = 0; y < depth; y++) {
    75. for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
    76. for( int c = 0; c<4; c++){
    77. (*vectorData)[(x + width * z + width * height * y) * 4 + c] =
    78. c==0?x*5:(c==1?y*5:(c==2?z*5:20));
    79. }
    80. }
    81. }
    82. }
    83. vol->setTextureData(vectorData);
    84. m3DGraph->addCustomItem(vol);
    85. }
    87. ///// ------------------
    88. else if(type==SURF){
    89. QImage image = QImage(20,20,QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
    90. for(uint x=0; x<20; x++){
    91. for(uint y=0; y<20; y++){
    92. image.setPixelColor(x,y,QColor(x*y));
    93. }
    94. }
    95. QtD::QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy *proxy = new QtD::QHeightMapSurfaceDataProxy(image);
    96. QtD::QSurface3DSeries *serie = new QtD::QSurface3DSeries(proxy);
    97. serie->setDrawMode(QtD::QSurface3DSeries::DrawSurface);
    99. m3DGraphSurface = new GraphTest<QtD::Q3DSurface>("inData3DSurface");
    100. m3DGraphSurface->addSeries(serie);
    101. m3DGraphSurface->seriesList().at(0)->setColorStyle( QtD::Q3DTheme::ColorStyleRangeGradient );
    103. }
    105. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    and here is the problematic function

    Qt Code:
    1. void ViewerTest::manageGraphs(TYPE type) {
    2. #if PROBLEM
    3. build(type); //---> no error thrown, but graph don't display
    4. #endif
    6. // delete previous
    7. m3DLayoutHolder->removeWidget(m3DImageHolder);
    8. delete m3DImageHolder;
    9. m3DImageHolder= nullptr;
    11. #if PROBLEM
    12. #else
    13. build(type); ///---> display works perfectly
    14. #endif
    16. if(type == SCATTER) {
    17. m3DImageHolder = QWidget::createWindowContainer(m3DGraph, this);
    18. } else if(type==SURF){
    19. m3DImageHolder = QWidget::createWindowContainer(m3DGraphSurface,this);
    20. }
    21. if(type != TYPE::HIDE_BOTH) {
    22. m3DLayoutHolder->addWidget(m3DImageHolder);
    23. m3DImageHolder->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
    24. }
    26. }
    28. // Just a Widget with two buttons (hide/new)
    29. // OnClick, load a new3D dataset
    31. int main(int argc, char** argv){
    32. QApplication qApplication( argc, argv);
    34. ViewerTest viewerTest;
    35. return viewerTest.exec();
    36. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    If you have any explication of how could I get this to work...? Big thanks in advance, cheers !
    Last edited by Stophe; 9th July 2020 at 15:18. Reason: Last post did not work

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