I created the most simple arc with the following code and paint it with a 50px wide QPen. There are no other elements in the path. Can anyone help me to find the cause of the strange triangle at the start of the arc?


Qt Code:
  1. QRectF rect(pCenter.x() -200.0, pCenter.y() -200.0, 400.0,400.0);
  2. QPainterPath path = QPainterPath(QPointF(881.421,398.579));
  3. path.arcTo(rect,45,45);
  4. painter.drawPath(path);
  5. qDebug() << "pCenter:" << pCenter;
  6. qDebug() << "path:" << path;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The debug printout is:
pCenter: QPointF(740,540)
path: QPainterPath: Element count=5
-> MoveTo(x=881.421, y=398.579)
-> LineTo(x=881.421, y=398.579)
-> CurveTo(x=845.228, y=362.386)
-> CurveToData(x=795.228, y=340)
-> CurveToData(x=740, y=340)