
I having a problem of font on my arm system .
I am using qtopia-core-4.2.2. Below is my following steps;
1) untar the qtopia-core
2) ./configure -embedded arm -depths 4,8,12,16 -shared -prefix /home/advl/21_9_2007/qtopia-core -no-cups -no-nis -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -little-endian

3) make

4) make install

5) I copy the library files( libNetwork.so.4,libGui.so.4,libCore.so.4) into my /nfsroot/ramdisk_dir/lib
6) I copy the binary executable file (tutorial1/t1)
7) on my ARM board console, I try
./t1 –qws –display LinuxFb:0

It shows
QFONTBASE: cannot find definition file /home/advl/21_9_2007/qtopia-core/fonts/fontdir Qt installed correctly?
(but I saw a mouse pointer on my ARM board’s LCD)

I had check there is a fontdir (text file) in the directory /home/advl/21_9_2007/qtopia-core/fonts/fontdir.
Beside I also create a

ln –s /home/advl/21_9_2007/qtopia-core/lib/fonts /nfsroot/ramdisk_dir/lib

But it still cannot find the file. I done all these in root. Am I miss out anything? Enviroment problem?
Path? I had read some document saying that qtopia core 4 have no effect on setting the environment (for example export PATH, export QTDIR, export LD_LIBRARY).