
i'm looking for solution for the following problem:

i have some qwtplots lined vertically that have the same x-axis-scaling, but different y-axis.

now i have a qwtplotpicker on each plot-canvas attached and when i select a point for example in the first plot (i get a crossrubberband, like in the bode example), i want to have a vertical rubberband in the other inactive plots shown at the same x coordinate.

i found a solution for qwt 4.2.0 which used the outline pen, but that's obsolete.

my current approach is to connect the qwtplotpicker::moved signal to a slot which iterates through all plots and sends a update() to the paintevent where i tried to draw the rubberband using picker->drawRubberBand(), which didn't worked.

is there a solution without deriving qwtplotpicker?