I am having some issues with a QSqlDatabase connectivity. The line of code I have is

Qt Code:
  1. QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QOCI" );
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I get 2 lines of error statements after this line executes:
QSqlDatabase: QOCI driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers: QSQLITE QOCI8 QOCI
Why can it not load the QOCI driver when it is one of the available drivers to me? I originally compiled Qt 4.3.0 on Solaris 9, however we have since upgraded to Solaris 10. Do I need to recompile Qt 4.3.0 on Solaris 10? It appears everything else has been working fine for the past month using this same install of Qt but this is the first time I tried using the database connectivity stuff since then. I would prefer not to rebuild all of Qt since this takes many hours, but if I need to I will. Thanks for any ideas anybody has on why I cannot load the QOCI driver when it is there.