hi ,

i have developed a simple Qt application.. when i run the application with valgrind, it show me that there lots of memory leaks. the following is the output of my valgrind:

==6262== ERROR SUMMARY: 73 errors from 6 contexts (suppressed: 5 from 1)
==6262== malloc/free: in use at exit: 377,502 bytes in 11,070 blocks.
==6262== malloc/free: 74,072 allocs, 63,002 frees, 10,816,972 bytes allocated.
==6262== For counts of detected errors, rerun with: -v
==6262== searching for pointers to 11,070 not-freed blocks.
==6262== checked 785,224 bytes.
==6262== LEAK SUMMARY:
==6262== definitely lost: 517 bytes in 22 blocks.
==6262== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==6262== still reachable: 376,985 bytes in 11,048 blocks.
==6262== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks.
==6262== Use --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory.

Can anyone say me how to free them ?

with regards,