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Thread: Help for 3D like Visual Effect.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Qt products
    MacOS X Windows

    Unhappy Help for 3D like Visual Effect.

    I have some design problem with the 3D like view using graphics Item. I have attached PNG file for your information. Here is the scenario which I want.

    I have bunch of images (no of images are not fixed can be in 100's but they are fixed in sizes). I need to show it in like a 3D view. I have implemented it as shown in attached png file.I have done this using scalling provided by QGraphicsItem. Now the question is I need to move the pages like we have a virtual drum in the center and I need to move it as well scale the images. I know their is QMatrix and QTransform class, but unable to use it effectively as during QGraphicsItem::Mousemove event I am unable to get the desired sclling factor.

    Can you please help me out to solve this issue.
    Attached Images Attached Images

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