Hello, I just downloaded qt creator(Qt SDK 2009) from its site and tried to run some of it examples but it failed.

Error mesages
QApplication: No such file or directory

C:/Program Files/Qt/2009.01/qt/examples/mainwindows/dockwidgets/main.cpp:44: In file included from main.cpp:44:

C:/Program Files/Qt/2009.01/qt/examples/mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.h:45: QMainWindow: No such file or directory

C:/Program Files/Qt/2009.01/qt/examples/mainwindows/dockwidgets/main.cpp:44: In file included from main.cpp:44:

and some more errors that I think are consequences of above errors like

C:/Program Files/Qt/2009.01/qt/examples/mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.h:48: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before "class"

C:/Program Files/Qt/2009.01/qt/examples/mainwindows/dockwidgets/mainwindow.h:55: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before "class"


I think some variables are not set properly but I could not figure out what exactly.

is this QApplication stuff a header file I mean dose it try to load qapplication.h or is it a namespace?

can someone help?


PS -I use Windows XP sp2