I've been playing dock widgets some, trying to learn them. I have a couple issues with them that I don't understand. Please understand that I am new to QT and QT Creator and wanting to learn to use it.

For example, I found the this example on the web and was trying to duplicate it. http://www.tuxradar.com/content/code...-qt-rss-reader

They say that they add 2 dock widgets to the application and then select both and press horizontal layout, to make them resize. I've tried this and it doesn't work in Creator. Plus if you look closely at their list of widgets in the app, it only shows one. Does this make any sense ?

The other issue I have is .... How do you get the the widgets within a dock widget to bind to the sides of the dock widget so that when I resize the window and the dock widget resizes that the widgets that are contained resize also and maintain their relative size to their container, the dock widget?

It seems logical to me that all this should be able to be handled in Creator without having to resort to code to accomplish the tasks. Unless, of course, special case situations were required.
