I am using Qt4.6 on Fedora 12
here what i did.
1. downloaded the X11 source code (not the sdk)
2. extracted it in /home/username/qt-src-4.6.0/

given this configure command

cd /home/username/qt-src-4.6.0/
./configure -debug -opensource -no-qt3support -qt-gif -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake translations -no-separate-debug-info
sudo gmake install
and everything was built and installed into /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt4.6.0

i downloaded the qt-creator binary package and installed it.

in qt-creater, all the Qt - build options were set to point to /usr/local/Trolltech/Qt4.6.0/bin/qmake.

and i can compile and run my qt programs ... no problems whatsoever..

now the problem..

if i debug my application... and put a breakpoint in these two lines

Qt Code:
  1. QListWidget* list = new QListWidget; //<-- breakpoint here, press F11.. goes inside qlistwidget.cpp
  2. QWebView* web = new QWebView;//<-- breakpoint here, press F11..always steps over
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
if i press F11, to step into the code, the debugger happily goes inside the Qt gui/core etc source files and i can debug it.
but the debugger always steps over any webkit calls...
i tried copying webkit source to installl location and several other funny things but i cant get my debugger to get into the source of webkit..

what i am missing? i need to fix something in webkit.. and without debugging i can only dream of it.. ...