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Thread: How to redraw everything while panning the canvas?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question How to redraw everything while panning the canvas?

    Hi there. I'm evaluating the Qwt library, and so far it has impressed me in several aspects.

    But I've encountered two important issues regarding panning. I've added a QwtPlotPanner to the canvas, and the grid moves while I pan. There are however some additional items I want to have redrawn for each move event. for to make a nice and smooth plot.

    Issue 1: The axes are only redrawn when I release the mouse button. I want the axes/ruler to be drawn while moving (with the grid) to make it a smooth experience for the user.
    Issue 2: The grid is moved, but this is only the pixmap created before the move started. Hence new lines in the grid is not created outside of the initial area.

    I did partly solve issue 1 by replacing
    Qt Code:
    1. emit moved(d_data->pos.x() - d_data->initialPos.x(),
    2. d_data->pos.y() - d_data->initialPos.y());
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    in the widgetMouseMoveEvent in qwt.panner.cpp to
    Qt Code:
    1. emit panned(d_data->pos.x() - d_data->initialPos.x(),
    2. d_data->pos.y() - d_data->initialPos.y());
    3. d_data->initialPos = d_data->pos;
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    The moved signal doesn't seem to be connected to anything anyway. This fix will introduce a bug with the grid moving; the grid flickers because of the setting of the initialPos in the middle of move events.

    How can these two issues be solved?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How to redraw everything while panning the canvas?

    QwtPanner grabs the content of the canvas into a pixmap and moves the pixmap only. This is done for performance reasons, because rendering the plot items might be too slow for mouse movements. If you don't want this - don't use the panner.

    Instead catch all mouse events of the plot canvas using an event filter. Translate the mouse movements into coordinates of the plot using the canvas maps ( QwtPlot::canvasMap ) and adjust the scales.

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