Dear People

In my project I am using two classes, MainWindow and trailDialog(a class derived from QDialog)

my objective is to create a library for trailDialog and invoke it through MainWindow class, upto now evry thing is fine, I am able to create library, invoke the trailDialog from the MainWindow.

For some reason, I have declared extern MainWindow*mainwnd; in trailDialog.cpp file and in that I have called "mainwnd->setGeometry(100,100,200,200);" in the constructor of trailDialog class. Now I have built a library for the trailDialog class, included and compiled my project using this library.

Evertthing worked fine upto compilation, but while executing the exe, the application is getting crashed and throwing the follwing exception "Sample_Qt.exe exited with code -1073741819"

Thanks in Advance
A J Prakash Naveen