Hello there,
im trying to download a file from a FTP server, which allows only secure connections. I already compiled Qt 4.6.3 with -openssl. Thats the code im using right now:

Qt Code:
  1. void Ftp::get()
  2. {
  3. QNetworkAccessManager* manager = new QNetworkAccessManager()
  5. QUrl url = QUrl("ftp://localhost/test.txt");
  6. url.setUserName("root");
  7. url.setPassword("root");
  8. url.setPort(21);
  10. QNetworkRequest request(url);
  12. QSslConfiguration SslConfiguration(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration());
  14. request.setSslConfiguration(SslConfiguration);
  16. manager->get(request);
  17. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The ftp server answers:
(000022)22.12.2010 11:18:36 - (not logged in) (> USER root
(000022)22.12.2010 11:18:36 - (not logged in) (> 530 Have to use explicit SSL/TLS before logging on.
Am I doing wrong or is FTPS/FTPES not possible? I tried to connect to "ftps://" or "ftpes://" instead of "ftp://" but that creates the error string
"Protocol "ftps" is unknown"

Thank you all!