signal not emitting from run() in multi-threaded app:

here is my code bits:

void ThreadCopy::run()



fileObj is object of _File and copy is its function, any signal outside Copy method is being emitted but any signal inside copy method / function, is not emiited...
e.g, updateProgress() signal is not emiited which is inside copy() with following code:

emit updateProgress(currentSize);

i tried to make my question concise thats why didn't put up whole code but i am sure there is nothing wrong with code since it was working fine before i ran it without QThread implementation.

i am sure i am missing some information about QThread that i need to know....also i tried to uuse moveToThread with following code


ThreadCopy *t;
_File* F;
t=new ThreadCopy(*F,(fcpy.count()));

any help?thanks