Hi all!

I would like to create something similar to the corkboard qml example. On a screen I have some items, which I can move, resize, rotate, and I can store these properties.

I created a model inherited from QAbstractListModel on C++ side. It populates data well.

On the QML side I show it in a Repeater, like this:
Qt Code:
  1. Repeater {
  2. id: myRepeater
  3. model: dayScreenModel
  4. DayScreenEntry {
  5. x: position.x
  6. y: position.y
  7. text: title
  8. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

position, title, size, rotation comes from the C++ model.

It works fine.

But how can I achieve modification of these data?

I found a way:
in the model, created a public slot:
void updateData(int index, QString role, QVariant value);

and, in the DayScreenEntry.qml I can call like this:
myRepeater.model.updateData(index, "title", "NewTitle")

I can refresh the data in code, and it populates also to the qml side, shows the changes.

But, I have some problems with it:
- it's not 'elegant' - Is it possible somehow to call the 'setData' function of the model?
- on QML side, i have to write the model name in the delegate - I can use it only for this model, have to know the model name.

Do You know any other way to get this stuff working?