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Thread: Fancy Browser, Windows Server 2008 and empty webpage

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  1. #1

    Default Fancy Browser, Windows Server 2008 and empty webpage

    I'm fairly new to Qt development.

    I'm able to run the fancy browser example on my Windows 7 box.

    I'm also able to run the fancy browser example on my Windows Server 2008 box. However there are certain pages on certain sites that fail to load on my Server 2008 box that work on my Windows 7 box.


    I'm guessing this has to do with some kind of security setting, but I have no way of even tracking this down. I've used DebugView and I don't get any messages.

    I stepped into the code and sure enough the onPageLoad returns a false.

    If no one has any thoughts, I'll have to take the next step and do some remote debugging, but that's always a PITA so I thought I would check here first.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fancy Browser, Windows Server 2008 and empty webpage

    I solved my problem.

    I remote debugged my application running on Server 2008. After stepping through some QT code, I noticed an SSL handshake error.

    I ended up creating a custom NetworkAccessManager where I overrode the createRequest method.

    Inside the createRequest method, I grabbed the sslConfiguration object from the request object and called setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyNone).
    Qt Code:
    1. QNetworkReply * myNetworkAccessManager ::createRequest (Operation op, const QNetworkRequest& req, QIODevice* outgoingData)
    2. {
    3. QSslConfiguration config = req.sslConfiguration();
    4. config.setPeerVerifyMode(QSslSocket::VerifyNone);
    5. config.setProtocol(QSsl::TlsV1);
    7. QNetworkRequest request(req);
    8. request.setSslConfiguration(config);
    10. return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, request, outgoingData);
    11. }
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    Perhaps someone knows why the SSL is failing to handshake on my Server 2008 box but not my Windows 7?

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