Hi Guys,
I'm new in this Forum, I have red a lot of thread about problem similar to mine one but no one help me.
I explain my problem:
-I made a project with a qt GUI, and I need to use OpenCV library to open and show a video in this GUI.
-When I build my project no errors are shown but when I run It show this message:
Qt Code:
  1. Starting C:\Users\ut\Documents\projectQt\video-build-desktop\debug\video.exe...
  2. C:\Users\ut\Documents\projectQt\video-build-desktop\debug\video.exe exited with code -1073741511
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So I've read lot of thread and I've understood that I've got problem with dll. But What are these dlls???
Some thread speak about dlls like QtCore4.dll et al. but I've included all necessary path in system variable. The same I've done for OpenCV dlls path(OpenCV\*\bin and OpenCV\*\lib).

So I tried to comment all openCV functions I call in my project and application run correctly.

So I think have a problem with openCV dlls but I can't understand what problem, this is my .pro file:

Qt Code:
  1. QT += core gui
  3. TARGET = video
  4. TEMPLATE = app
  7. SOURCES += main.cpp\
  8. mainwindow.cpp
  10. HEADERS += mainwindow.h
  12. FORMS += mainwindow.ui
  14. INCLUDEPATH += C:\OpenCV\OpenCV-2.3.0\build\install\include
  16. LIBS += -LC:\OpenCV\OpenCV-2.3.0\build\install\lib
  18. LIBS += -llibopencv_core230 -llibopencv_imgproc230 -llibopencv_highgui230
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I'll be glad to everyone help me!!!

Thank You EveryBody.

I forgot to say that I'am running on:

Win 7 64bit, with QtCreator

the OpenCV library run correctly if I use it stand-alone for example using the cvCreateWindow