
I have Qt Creator V4.7.0 installed on my system and have downloaded V4.7.3 (with MinGW just in case). When I come to install it I get the message "There has been a problem with your MinGW installation: g++ not found in c:\MinGW\bin". This doesn't really surprise me as there is no such directory on my system. My current version has the directory at C:\qt\2010.05\MinGW\bin.

I have several questions:

Does this imply that I should have downloaded the version without the extra MinGW environment or is this a problem?

What is the correct way to upgrade to the current version of Qt Creator?

Does the term 'upgrade' really mean 'install a completely new version'? I ask this because the suggested installation directory from the above is different to my current one. Visual Studio (of old) used to simply replace upgraded files in the relevant places.

On the whole, I'd really like to thank the developers and other contributors for this product. I liken it to classic Visual Basic 6 in that it is really easy to get to grips with and applications can be created in a comparitively short time relative to MS VC++. OK, I've had to begin learning a new language (C++ - I'm very old school) but it gives me something to learn.

