Hello there!
I have a question!

I'm trying to build an algorithm to download a QList of Url, each of them containing a file. Since there are some limits in downloading files in a parallel way, I'm trying to download only one file at a time.

One part of this algorithm is:

Qt Code:
  1. DownloadFirst(QList){
  2. ListOfLinks.append(QList);
  3. download(ListOfLinks.first()); // download(QUrl) emits finished()
  4. }
  6. (SLOT) DownloadNext(){
  7. ListOfLinks.removeFirst();
  8. if(!ListOfLinks.empty()){
  9. download(ListOfLinks.first());
  10. }}
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I would connect the finished() signal to the slot (downloadNext()), and so, the downloadNext() function would be called as many times as it needs to download the whole bunch of files. My question is: Is it possible to call a function from a signal sent from inside the same funtion?

thanks for ur help!!