I suspect this has been asked already, but I couldn't think of proper search keywords so here goes. I recently got started with the new Nokia version of Qt and one thing has been bothering me above all else with Creator.

How in damnation am I supposed to effortlessly switch between graphically editing the UI and editing source code?

Clicking on a .ui file in the open file list opens the UI editor while hiding the open file list and escape from the UI editor is only possible via the Esc key or mousing aaaallll the way to the upper right corner for the close-X. This means that any .ui files in the open file list are traps that, when clicked on, force me to abruptly change the way I was browsing through that list. I could double-click on the files in the full tree view, but single-clicking on them in the open file list is much easier.

Worse still, when I return from the UI editor via Esc or Close, all I get is the stupid XML view for the .ui with the warning-ish text "can only be edited in Designer", instead of the .h or .cpp I was working on moments ago. Plus, the "Design" button is disabled unless an .ui file is open as text.

Secondly, is there any way to have the built-in help open while editing code/UI at the same time, besides opening a browser for doc.qt.nokia.com? Qt Assistant is no longer a separate program, apparently.