
Attached is my code, I want the window to close when I click on cancel on the hobbit selector window. I also want the enable the function that when I edit the combo box, the name I put will be added to the combo box options. Please assist.
[#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QApplication>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QStringList hobbits, yesno;
hobbits << "Frodo" << "Bilbo" << "Samwise" << "Merry" << "Pippin";
yesno << "yes" << "no";
QString outcome, more, title("Hobbit Selector");
QString query("Pick your favorite Hobbit");
do {
QString pick =
QInputDialog::getItem(0, title, query, hobbits);
outcome = QString("You picked %1, try again?").arg(pick);
more = QInputDialog::
getItem(0, "Pick a Hobbit", outcome, yesno, 1, false);
} while (more == "yes");