
I have three questions
1st one :
how to put an image as the background image for an application mainwindow ? I created a folder on the application directory and I called it "images" and then I put the image on it and renamed it "image.png" then I tried this code but didn't work
Qt Code:
  1. MainWindow::setStyleSheet("background-image:url(:/images/image.png");
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

the 2nd question :
when I tried to write the following code on the header I had a problem with the case sensitivity part
Qt Code:
  1. signals:
  2. void findtext(const QString & str ,qt::casesensitivity cs);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
according to the book that am learning from when I write qt then "::" a list appear to me and I supposed to find on that last "casesensitivity" but that doesn't happen to me ,I mean I don't find the casesensitivity on the list.
is there a class that I should include on the header to make "casesensitivity" appear on the list or what?

the 3rd question is I created an image of a close button on photoshop and I want the close button on my application to be that image ,how to do that?