
I compiled taglib 1.8 using Mingw succesfully, then i integrated it into a Qt project. The purpuse is to remove ID3 Tag from mp3 files.

This code :

Qt Code:
  1. void MainWindow::removeTagFromFile(QByteArray &fileContent)
  2. {
  3. TagLib::ByteVector byteVector(fileContent.constData());
  4. TagLib::ID3v2::FrameFactory *frame = TagLib::ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance();
  5. TagLib::IOStream *vectorStream = new TagLib::ByteVectorStream(byteVector);
  6. TagLib::MPEG::File file(vectorStream, frame);
  7. file.strip();
  8. file.save();
  9. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Compile and works fine on XP. Compile and doesn't work as expected on Windows 7. Taking the ".exe compiled on XP" to seven do not solve the problem.

is it weird ? i'm afraid that this is a bug in Taglib, does it make sense ? Any idea or an explanation is welcome, Thanks in advance.

You can download the project here

I'm writing a tutorial in french about details of compilation and integration into a Qt project, i'll write one in english if there is interested people.

Thanks in advance for any kind of help.