I have a QTableWidget with row selection, and i'm trying to treat 3 signals:

Things seem to be fine in code: i had in mind the connect syntax, type params are correct and match, etc; and to be more specific, i "know" that the code is correct because i have the following situation:
•if i connect the 3 signals to their respective slots, only the single click and the context menú work.
•if i connect just one signal each time i compile the code and i run the program, that signal is working well (for the 3 of them).
•if i connect the single click signal and the context menu, commenting the connect macro for the double click, they work well. Same for double click and context menu.

BUT if i connect the single click and the double click, the double click is not being treated by my custom slot.

Just to clarify, each signal has a different slot, and as i meantioned above, they work well if i just connect one of them and comment the other 2 in code.

So my question is: is there any bug with the cellClicked and cellDoubleClick working simultaneously? do i have to set some flag, attribute or whatever that belongs to the QTableWidget?

I'm running out of ideas, thanks for the help!

And also, maybe the code should help:

table and slots declaration:

Qt Code:
  1. QTableWidget * table;
  3. public slots:
  4. void tableChange(int row, int column);
  5. void tableChangeDbl(int row, int column);
  6. void PopupMenuTableShow(const QPoint &);
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the connects:

Qt Code:
  1. connect(table, SIGNAL(cellDoubleClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(tableChangeDbl(int, int)));
  2. connect(table, SIGNAL(cellClicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(tableChange(int, int)));
  3. connect(table, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(PopupMenuTableShow(const QPoint &)));
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