
I never heard of this and don't remember that on the manual, but... is there a way to connect a generic signal to a object's slot?

What I mean is: the normal way of doing signal/slot connection is to take a speific object's signal and connect it to a specific object's slot. But lets suppose I create an object that should have many other objects related to it by means of passing some info. The normal way would be that for each new object created, I would have to once again to a QObject::connect() call between signal and slot. So instead of having to do such an effort, why don't create an specification that tells "all signals with the exact name "xxxx", no matter from which object it comes from, shall be connected to this object's slot"? Something like:

Qt Code:
  1. connect(0,SIGNAL(mySignal(QString)),myObject,SLOT(slotMySlot(QString)));
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That would be something interesting So is there a way of doing this?

