Hi All,
I'm working with an MDI. The mainwindow holds several dialogs that are shown by a view button, using mGameDialog->show( ) mGameDialog->raise( );. Everything runs fine. I can work on, resize and move the dialogs. However When I use savegeometry to save my set up all that is saved is the main window size/position ect, not the dialogs. I would like it so that when I open all the dialogs are shown in the position they were left in. Can anyone point me in the correct direction? My save and open code are as below.
Qt Code:
  1. void MainWindow::GUI_savesettings( void )
  2. {
  4. appSettings->setValue("state/mainWindowState", saveState( ) );
  5. appSettings->setValue("geometry/mainWindowGeometry",saveGeometry( ) );
  7. }
  10. void MainWindow::GUI_loadsettings( void )
  11. {
  12. QByteArray stateData = appSettings->value("state/mainWindowState").toByteArray();
  13. QByteArray geometryData = appSettings->value("geometry/mainWindowGeometry").toByteArray();
  16. restoreState( stateData );
  17. restoreGeometry( geometryData );
  19. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

Thanks All.