I have a code like this

void Client::run()

tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket();

if (tcpSocket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDesc))

peerAdress = tcpSocket->peerAddress().toString();
peerPort = tcpSocket->peerPort();

emit connected();

while (!quit)
if (tcpSocket->waitForReadyRead(Timeout))
// Read data
QDataStream in(tcpSocket);
in >> buffer;
qDebug() << buffer<<endl;

//slot to send a message
void Client::sendMessage(QString message)

I have also sender thread gets message from message queues and send signal to thread above to write message socket.

it is implemented as below.

void Sender::run()

qDebug() <<"sending message" <<endl;
emit sendMessage("message");


but when code runs I get following error.

what is the problem.

QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be disabled from another thread