Hello all,

I have a Flickable item with some rectangles inside. I would expect that i can drag the flickable content around using my mouse. When the Flickable element gets smaller than the content it is possible to use my mouse wheel to flick the content. Mouse dragging however is only working when clicking on the first rectangle. Am I doing something wrong here? It seems like the column inside the column (childColumn) is disturbing the Flickable's behavior.

qml dragging.jpg

Qt Code:
  1. Flickable {
  2. id: flickable
  4. width: parent.width/2
  5. height: parent.height
  6. clip: true
  8. contentHeight: inputsColumn.height
  9. contentWidth: flickable.width
  11. Column {
  12. id: inputsColumn
  13. width: flickable.width
  14. Repeater {
  15. id: inputGroupRepeater
  16. model: ioData.inputs
  18. delegate: Rectangle {
  19. border.width: 1
  20. border.color: "black"
  21. height: title.height + childColumn.height
  22. width: parent.width
  25. Text {
  26. id: title
  27. text: modelData.variables.length
  28. }
  30. Column {
  31. id: childColumn
  32. width: parent.width
  33. anchors.top: title.bottom
  35. visible: true
  37. Rectangle {
  38. border.color: "orange"
  39. border.width: 1
  40. width: parent.width
  41. height: dp(50)
  42. }
  44. Rectangle {
  45. border.color: "orange"
  46. border.width: 1
  47. width: parent.width
  48. height: dp(50)
  49. }
  50. }
  51. }
  52. }
  53. }
  54. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode