
I wanted to build a tree with lazy loading (not lazy population), The problem I have is, I have lots of data (around 10 billion to 100 billion rows) building a tree with this much data is obviously crashing tree as (memory issue). So I wanted make lazy loading (At a time I want to maintain those items which I show in view).

I have few doubts with this approach

1. I can use canFetchMore() & fetchMore() functions. when I scroll down I want to get the below items (which is possible with this functions) and I want to delete items which gone out of view.
Loading data when scroll down can get from above functions but how to get the data when I scroll up ??

2. how can I delete items which gone out of view when I scroll ??

3. how can I maintain scroll bar size with this approach ??

4. last but one is I wanted to implement filter also on top of this.

I have seen fetchMore() example but its for list & where items are not getting deleted when gone out of view. I want to get same behavior but with a tree & want to delete items which gone out of view & want to maintain scroll bar properly.

any suggestions please.