in the struc_window.h (qmainwindow) I define a dummy variable (which should be sent) and the signal:

int a;
void mysignal(int);

in the struc_window.cpp file in the constructor of struc_window I initialize my variable a and define the pointer to struc_widget and the connecter:

a = 1;
struc_widget *p = new struc_widget;
connect(this,SIGNAL(mysignal(int)),p,SLOT(getsigna l(int)));

in the struc_widget.h file i define the slot:

public slots:
void getsignal(int);

and in the struc_widget.cpp file the implementation of the slot

void struc_widget::getsignal(int){}

This seems to compile without error!
My question is: How can I link this procedure now with the dummy variable int a so that it is sent to struc_widget and I could use it later???
