Hi everyone,

I'm developing for the first time a mobile application with Qt 5.8 based on a existing project.
I'm using a smartphone Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G901F with Android 6.0.1 for debug.

I need to connect to a server with OpenSSL. I'm using OpenSSL 1.0.2k on Windows.
When I compile the project with MSVC2015 and Qt Creator, no connexion problem.
But when I compile this project for Android et execute on my smartphone, I can't connect (error : Diffie-Hellman parameters are not valid)

I've tried to compile OpenSSL to include .so files directly in the APK.
I've read the Qt tutorial http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/opensslsupport.html but it is for Qt 5.9 so I hope it's also a solution for Qt 5.8 but I'm not sure.
I've installed MSYS-1.0.11 and Perl 5.26 and tried to compile the OpenSSL 1.0.2h (compatible with Qt 5.8) source code.
Unfortunately, I'm stucked here :

Did anyone try to compile these librairies ?
Is that the goodsolution to solve my problem ?
Is there any compatibility problem between the components I've installed ?

The previous programmer in charge of this project told me he had no problem to connect to the serveur with a HTC One. I didn't need to include the librairies in the APK
He borowed me this phone but I can't use it on my computer to test because it's not detected :/
The HTC One has Android 5.0.2 installed.
Is there a known issue with Android 6 ?

I need your help please
Thank you