A new version of AIVCtrl is available. Installers can be downbloaded at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folde...yu?usp=sharing

- Windows 7 to 10: Download install-AIVCtrl-101.exe and double click on it to install.
Tested with Windows 10. To use Vista the application must be rebuilt with Qt 5.6.

- Kubuntu and Ubuntu: Download aivctrl-1.0.1.deb double click on it to install.
Tested with Kubuntu 17.10, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (for this, use preferably /user/share/aivctrl/aivctrl.run.desktop to launch AIVCtrl).

- All Linux: Download aivctrl-1.0.1.zip for a manual installation.
Not tested (for this, use preferably /user/share/aivctrl/aivctrl.run.desktop to launch AIVCtrl).

- Documentation in English and French.

I look forward to your remarks, test results...
Have a nice day.