Hi to all,
i am new to Qt.i am developing the GUI that should read the data comming from the serial port.i came to know abt "qextserialport" from google.i stuided privious threads on this this site as well as docs.i downloaded "qextserial port1.1" and extracted on my windows Os.after this i got various header files and example folder.

i copied all the files ".h",".cpp"(except posix files)and pasted into the "qestpa" (in examples folder)and then compiled to make the libraries.but here i am getting to many errors instead og getting libraries.

ject_script.qespta.Release -L"D:\Qt\4.1.1\lib" -L"D:\Qt\4.1.1\lib" -lmingw32 -l
qtmain -lQtGui4 -lQtCore4
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_qesptest.o(.text+0x0):m oc_qesptest.cpp: multiple de
finition of `QespTest::metaObject() const'
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_QespTest.o(.text+0x0):m oc_qesptest.cpp: first defin
ed here
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_qesptest.o(.text+0x10): moc_qesptest.cpp: multiple d
efinition of `QespTest::qt_metacast(char const*)'
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_QespTest.o(.text+0x10): moc_qesptest.cpp: first defi
ned here
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_qesptest.o(.text+0x60): moc_qesptest.cpp: multiple d
efinition of `QespTest::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)'
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_QespTest.o(.text+0x60): moc_qesptest.cpp: first defi
ned here
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_qesptest.o(.data+0x0):m oc_qesptest.cpp: multiple de
finition of `QespTest::staticMetaObject'
./tmp\obj\release_shared\moc_QespTest.o(.data+0x0):m oc_qesptest.cpp: first defin
ed here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make[1]: *** [release\qespta.exe] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: Leaving directory `D:/Qt/4.1.1/repeater/qespta'
mingw32-make: *** [release] Error 2

PLEASE HELP ME TO GET THE LIBRARIES.am i doing right procedure or not?plz give some useful tips to get my application success.
thank u in advance,