
The usual way to copy/move file from my application onto desktop is setting the drag type to “text/uri-list” and passing the filename. But, I need to be able to create file for copy/move at the moment the object is dropped

This seems to be non-trivial drag-and-drop functionality but at least MS Word knows how to do this:

Open a document in MS Word on Windows, making sure that you still see a
portion of your desktop. Select a scrap of text, and drag it over the desktop.
The moment you release the mouse button, you see/hear hard disk activity and a
new file is created containing the scrap of text you just dragged.
Apparently Word waits until the drag event is accepted at the other end, and
only then produces the file to be dropped.

So, the questions are:

1) Does this "delayed delivery" mechanism exist on Mac as well
2) Does Qt provide any methods to implement such behavior

P.S. I found the topic devoted to the same problem:


But it seems that no final solution was found there. Did something changed in Qt from that time which would allow me to implement such fuctionality?

Thanks in advance