I was running a Qt application built with Qt-4.2.2. I upgraded the Qt version to Qt-4.4.3.
And built the same application in Qt4.4.3. The functionality for my application didn't changed, but the appearance was changed. It was Black and White with Qt-4.2.2. But if the same ui form and same qt code compiled with Qt-4.4.3, it seems to have some colors for the application, when I run it. What is difference in appearance between Qt-4.2.2 and Qt-4.4.3?
The depths used while configuring Qt-4.2.2 and Qt-4.4.3 are same. The build instructions for Qt-4.4.3 are as same as built for Qt-4.2.2.

What could cause in making the appearance different from Qt-4.2.2?

Thanks & Regards,