I have a QT install that I rebuilt with VC2008 on Windows XP, SP3. I am building a debug mode version of a basic QT app.

I am linking to a library that was built in release mode. Both are using the DLL version of MSVCRT, except the lib I'm linking to is obviously linked to the non debug version.

When I run the app, even with only one line of code that has a stack allocated object from the linked in lib, I get a crash due to some kind of memory allocation. When I comment out that one line that stack allocs that foreign lib's object the crash goes away.

Or if I build the QT app in release mode, the crash goes away, but then I can't debug the QT app.

Thanks for any help, I'm tearing my hair out over this.

Btw, when I build the app, I do get this warning:

LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

I've tried using the /NODEFAULTLIB:<nameoflib> in the command line options of the linker settings in VC2008, but the message doesn't go away and it solves nothing.