Hi, I am using QT 4.4 to develop ui for my embedded system. I am facing a problem in the scrollbars(in both QListwidget and QScrollbar). If I try to move the scroll bar by clicking on the arrow keys provided at both ends of the scrollbar end, the slider moves properly in the required direction. But if I drag the slider and release it, the scrollbar immediately returns to the initial position instead of remaining in the place where I released it.
When I observed the signals, I found that when I release the slider after dragging, it is emitting the signal valuchanged(int a) with the value of a set to 0(zero). This is causing the slider to go back to its initial position. I am not sure why it is happening.

Can somebody help me in solving this issue? Is there any property that I need to set specifically to avoid this behavior in the scrollbar?