In my project , I add a ".qrc" file.Here is its contents:
Qt Code:
  1. <RCC>
  2. <qresource prefix="/iSchema" >
  3. <file>Resources/Winter.jpg</file>
  4. <file>Resources/action_new.png</file>
  5. </qresource>
  6. </RCC>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
Before add this file, my ".exe" file is 100KB. After add, it's 204KB. And thoes two picures are 120KB. So as i see it, the qt resource is compiled into ".exe" files.

I don't liks this way.
1.The ".exe" file will be biger and biger if I add more and more picture.
2.If I change some picture ,I have to recompile the ".exe" file.

Could you tell my how to comile qt resouce files (such as picture and langure files) to a ".dll" file ? And in my ".cpp" file ,how to use it?