
I have a QgraphicsScene that renders some animation using QPropertyAnimation.
I would now like to place a QGLWidget in the background which renders its own animation using opengl APIs.
I want both these animations to appear simultaneously. How do I go about doing this?
I found posts and examples that tell me how to overpaint over QGLWidget using QPainter and others that tell me how to make the QGraphicsView transparent.
But I want to use my existing animation code that uses QgraphicsScene with QPropertyAnimation and be able to plugin my opengl animation in the background.
If I simply set the viewport on the QGraphicsView to my QGLWidget both the animations appear with some flickering and when the animation on my QgraphicsScene stops, only the gl animation is visible.

I would appreciate any help here to enable me to do it the right way. Preferably with some sample code.
