Hello Everybody

I have a right-side dock widget and it opens up nicely and obey my all commands.

But I cannot resize it with mouse navigation. I mean, I cannot see those famous 3 dots anywhere on left edge. Here is my code:

oDockR := QDockWidget() : new( :Dlg )
oDockR : setFeatures( QDockWidget_DockWidgetClosable + QDockWidget_DockWidgetMovable )
oDockR : setAllowedAreas( Qt_RightDockWidgetArea )
oDockR : setWindowTitle( "Module Function List" )
oDockR : setMinimumWidth( 100 )
oDockR : setMaximumWidth( 150 )

oDockR : setWidget( QListView():new( :DockR ) )

oDlg : addDockWidget( Qt_RightDockWidgetArea, :DockR, Qt_Horizontal )

What exactly I am missing?
It is Qt 4.5.1. I can upgrade to any next version if it is a bug in this version.