Hi I'm currently developing a small tcp based notification server using the "org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify" dbus binding and everything works fine on my Kubuntu, I even got the callbacks working with qdbus(I don't want to use libnotify because there are too many gtk depenecys).
The current problem is that I don't know how to sent the a notification image over qdbus.

on http://www.galago-project.org/specs/.../0.9/x207.html
the image is defined as
The icon_data field should be a raw image data structure of signature (iiibiiay) which describes the width, height, rowstride, has alpha, bits per sample, channels and image data respectively.

and here is an except from dbus-monitor of a working notification

Qt Code:
  1. array [
  2. dict entry(
  3. string "icon_data"
  4. variant struct {
  5. int32 50
  6. int32 50
  7. int32 200
  8. boolean true
  9. int32 8
  10. int32 4
  11. array [
  12. byte 255
  13. byte 32
  14. byte 57
  15. byte 93
  16. byte 255
  17. byte 32
  18. byte 57
  19. byte 93
  20. byte 255
  21. byte 32
  22. .......
  23. ]
  24. }
  25. )
  26. ]
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The image defined above should be part of a QVariantMap.

Problematic is how to get bits per sample and channels and finally how to sent these data over dbus.

