I'm trying to get the available space in a QListWidget in IconMode. When I call viewport().size(), it returns the the whole view including the scrollbar zone, which isn't actually usable. So I compute widget.size() - 2*frameWidth() - scrollbar.size() but with some styles there's a remaining space that I don't know how to measure...

Qt Code:
  1. # style widget frame scrollbar viewport ???
  2. Bespin 256 0 17 237 2
  3. CDE 256 1 13 239 2
  4. Cleanlooks 256 2 15 237 0
  5. GTK+ 256 1 18 236 0
  6. Motif 256 2 16 232 4
  7. Oxygen 256 3 17 231 2
  8. Phase 256 2 16 236 0
  9. Plastique 256 2 16 236 0
  10. Polyester 256 1 16 238 0
  11. qtc_klearlooks 256 1 15 239 0
  12. QtCurve 256 2 15 237 0
  13. Skulpture 256 2 17 235 0
  14. Windows 256 2 16 236 0
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