Hello friends,
I was testing QtSql with ODBC driver, ODBC manager unixODBC and Easysoft ODBC->MSSQL driver and got some really strange behavior with this example:

QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("{call proc03test(?);}");
// proc03test is mssql stored procedure having 1 output integer parameter
query.bindValue(0, 1, QSql::Out);
bool result = query.exec();
qDebug() << "ID = " << query.boundValue(0).toInt();

Qt 4.6.0 & 4.6.1: execution was OK, ID was printed out, but at the end of the block program crashed in QSqlQuery destructor somewhere in libqsqlodbc.so when the array of QVariant* was deleted.

Qt 4.5.3: program crashed in query.exec() -> QODBCResult::exec() -> ->QVector<QVariant>::realloc(int,int) -> QVariant::QVariant(QVariant const &)

Do you have any explanation for this thing?