Hi there. I'm just a beginner in Qt and I have been wrapping my head about this question for quite a while. Could you please help me out?

I have got a class, named, let's say,
Qt Code:
  1. class BaseClass: public Thread
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I have a bunch of functions and I want each function to run in a separate thread. All information I have stumbled across so far claims that if I want to run a function in a separate thread I have to create a class
Qt Code:
  1. class Thread: public QThread
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
that inherits QThread and override QThread::run() function. But I hope there is another solution apart from creating a class which inherits QThread for each function in BaseClass. I would appreciate any ideas on this. Thank you so much in advance.