Hello. I been looking through the internet on how to link third party libraries (openCV) with NokiaQT. But I find very limited information.
http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/OpenCV_with_Qt [developer.qt.nokia.com]
http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/3886...ith-Qt-creator [qtcentre.org]

The official website(OpenCV [opencv.willowgarage.com]) describe on how to integrate OpenCV with IDE.

1. Include Directories… add: ‘C:\OpenCV2.1\include\opencv;’
2. Library Directories… add: ‘C:\OpenCV2.1\lib;’
3. Source Directories… add: ‘C:\OpenCV2.1\src\cv; C:\OpenCV2.1\src\cvaux; C:\OpenCV2.1\src\cxcore; C:\OpenCV2\src\highgui; C:\OpenCV2.1\src\ml;’

For Debug Builds.. add: ‘cv210d.lib; cxcore210d.lib; highgui210d.lib;’ * For Release Builds.. add: ‘cv210.lib; cxcore210.lib; highgui210.lib;’

So the question is how to integrate it on NokiaQT. Below is my pro.file

# Project created by QtCreator 2011-03-12T01:59:47

QT += core gui

TARGET = cubaanImage

SOURCES += main.cpp\

HEADERS += mainwindow.h

FORMS += mainwindow.ui

CONFIG += mobility

INCLUDEPATH += C:/OpenCV2.1/include/opencv \
C:/OpenCV2.1/src/cv \
C:/OpenCV2.1/src/cvaux \
C:/OpenCV2.1/src/cxcore \
C:/OpenCV2.1/src/highgui \
C:/OpenCV2.1/src/ml \

LIBS += -LC:/OpenCV2.1/lib

LIBS += -lcv210d -lcxcore210d -lhighgui210d

symbian {
TARGET.UID3 = 0xe62189e7
TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE = 0x020000 0x800000

Can someone tell me did I link it correctly and also one of my path have the word “include” -> C:\OpenCV2.1\include\opencv;
it shows a yellow label on include in the NokiaQT. How to solve it thanks ^^