Hi all

I need to know during application start-up if application was re-installed.
Why? After each installation, during first start application needs to send and download some data from server, it saves this data in application directory, in some conf file. But when I simply re-install application from the same .pkg file all application data is preserved so during first start app doesn't know that it was re-installed.
I was trying some tricks:
1. Deploy empty conf file with application, so it overwrites old config, but no luck with that, it seems that read-only assets are only option if you need to ship file with application on Android.
2. I was checking created() lastRead() and lastModified() dates on main lib file located in /lib directory of my application, but created() is always date when pkg was created, and lastRead() seems to be not updated by Android system during application start
3. I was trying to modify some permissions on main lib file, like add some permissions, or change, and then when application was re-installed premissions should revert to default, but I was getting always false from QFile::setPermissions() on this main lib file, changing this file permissions is not allowed?

I'm using Qt 4.8.2, anyone knows any other tricks? I know that I can clear application cache on Android, but I need this to happen without user intervention, automagically.

best regards