Hi all,

There seems to be very few folks using this tool, but I'll ask before migrating to a third party tool.
Using QtIFW-1.5.0, so far I am able to generate an online installer for my Win-32 application. The installer downloads the appropriate package from my web server and performs some operations defined in the control script installscript.qs, e.g. writing some keys into registry and creating a desktop shortcut with an icon:

Qt Code:
  1. Component.prototype.createOperations = function()
  2. {
  3. try {
  5. // call the base create operations function
  7. component.createOperations();
  9. // Add some keys to registry;
  11. var userProfile = installer.environmentVariable("USERPROFILE");
  12. installer.setValue("UserProfile", userProfile);
  13. var reg = installer.environmentVariable("SystemRoot") + "\\System32\\reg.exe";
  14. var key= "HKCU\\Software\\Company\\Product";
  15. component.addOperation("Execute", reg, "ADD", key, "/f");
  16. component.addOperation("Execute", reg, "ADD", key, "/v", "productId", "/t", "REG_BINARY");
  18. // Add a desktop shortcut with icon:
  19. component.addOperation("CreateShortcut", "@TargetDir@\\MyExecutable.exe", "@UserProfile@\\Desktop\\MyExecutable.lnk",
  20. "workingDirectory=@TargetDir@", "iconPath=@TargetDir@\\MyIcon.ico");
  22. } catch (e) {
  24. print(e);
  26. }
  27. }
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All right, but another key I need to write into registry is the package VERSION NUMBER, defined in the installer configuration file config.xml in tag <Version></Version>
How can I get this value from installscript.qs ? I read --I'd said more: studied-- the docs https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtifw-ma...component.html and https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtifw-ma...installer.html and I have not found any reference to version.

So any help would be appreciated.