I am currently using Fedora 23 and QT 5.6. I am building a command for Hping3 and trying to send that command to the terminal and receive the results. I can get the terminal to open but I can not get it to receive any commands. I am very new to QT so my knowledge is minimal. I learned programming with Visual Basic so I understand logic but this syntax is killing me.

Qt Code:
  1. //Sending the command to terminal
  2. QProcess proc;
  3. proc.start("/usr/bin/gnome-terminal");
  5. proc.waitForStarted();
  6. proc.write("su");
  7. proc.write("ite");
  8. //proc.write(command);
  9. proc.waitForFinished();
  11. QByteArray output = proc.readAll();
  12. proc.close();
  13. ui->dgvResults->setText(output);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I am trying to display in a QTextBrowser and Commented out that one write command because I am getting an error

/home/itestudent/SeniorProject/frmmain.cpp:112: error: no matching function for call to 'QProcess::write(QString&)'

Command is declared at the top of the button push event
QString command = "hping3 -S ";